Seattle Legal Separation Lawyer
Legal Separation in Seattle: Understanding Your Options Contrary to popular belief, Legal Separation is not the same as physical separation (when one spouse moves out). Legally separated spouses can still live under the same roof. This legal status, similar to a “Dissolution of Marriage” (commonly known as divorce), allows spouses to maintain benefits like medical insurance while requiring the same petition, summons, and paperwork. For a Legal Separation to be finalized, both spouses must agree on asset division, debts, parenting, and support. Unlike Divorce, which has a mandatory 90-day waiting period, a Legal Separation can be completed the same day if all parties agree. Divorce impacts more than just the couple; it affects children, friends, extended family, employers, and neighbors in various ways. Proactive Legal Guidance The ideal time to consult a family law attorney is before your situation deteriorates. I can provide you with insights and advice, allowing you to make informed