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Coffee Culture in Malaysia

< p design= "box-sizing: border-box; shade: rgb( 33, 37, 41); font-family:- apple-system, system-ui," Segoe UI ", Roboto," Helvetica Neue", Arial," Noto Sans", sans-serif," Apple Shade Emoji "," Segoe UI Emoji"," Segoe UI Icon"," Noto Color Emoji ";" > Malaysia has a solid coffee drinks culture. A survey revealed that the average Malaysian beverages 2.38 mug of coffee daily. Coffee alcohol consumption society has actually been grown by the ongoing expansion of retail cafe services of both international brands such as Starbucks, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf that bring in the "coffee shop society" from the West and also various other domestic brands such as Chinese Kopitiam, Old Town White Coffee that improve the regional coffee-shop culture. Further research reveals a positive relationship between the GDP per head as well as the quantity of coffee taken in. This implies that as the economic sit